Long hair care tips – Maintaining length & health

For those blessed with lengthy locks, proper hair care is essential to keeping hair long and healthy. Implementing strategic long hair care has your tresses reaching new lengths in excellent condition. While it seems counterintuitive, trimming hair every 6-8 weeks is vital for maintaining length. Schedule dustings with your stylist to snip just 1/4-1/2 inch off the ends and eliminate split ends before they travel up the hair shaft. Skipping trims causes more damage and breakage, hindering your goal for longer locks.

Detangling long hair requires using a wide-toothed comb instead of a traditional brush. The wider teeth glide through hair without catching, pulling, or tugging delicate long strands. Carefully detangle hair in sections starting from the bottom, holding hair taut as you gently comb upwards.

Sleep in a protective style

Avoid tangles and breakage overnight by securing lengthy hair in a loose braid, satin wrap, or bun before bed. Use soft scrunchies, pins, and ties designed not to snag or pull hair. Wrap hair in a silk scarf or bonnet for the ultimate overnight protection. Resist frequently pulling hair back in ponytails, pigtails, or buns that strain the hair and hairline. Chronic tightly-pulled styles put excessive tension on strands that cause traction alopecia and breakage over time. Give hair a break by wearing it down.

Deep condition weekly

The longer your hair gets, the more moisture it needs. Replenish hydration weekly with a deep conditioning hair mask applied from roots to ends. Allow the mask to penetrate under a shower cap for 10-15 minutes before rinsing. Frequent use of hot styling tools like blow dryers, flat irons, and curling wands can cause dryness and damage to delicate long strands. Allow hair salon fort lauderdale to air dry when possible and limit heat tools to 1-2 times per week. Always apply a heat protectant beforehand.

Handle hair gently

Avoid harshly scrubbing or towel-drying wet hair, which causes extra pulling and breakage of long locks. Carefully blot hair with a soft microfiber towel or old t-shirt. Use a wide-tooth comb and gently detangle from ends to roots while damp. Let hair air dry to 80% before handling. Massage oils into your hair and scalp to moisturize length and keep long hair healthy. Stimulating blood flow at the roots helps nourishing oils circulate to the ends. Rotate between coconut, argan, olive, and almond oils for maximum hydration.

Get regular trims 

Schedule trims every 6-8 weeks to clip away split ends before they travel up the shaft. Even taking off just 1/4 inch maintains ends and promotes growth. Let your stylist assess your hair’s condition and determine what amount to trim. Avoid major chops and stick to dustings. For extra smoothness, rely on a wet detangling brush when conditioning to evenly coat lengths and avoid tangled mess. Change your part often to prevent overlapping and knotting in one spot. Resist the urge to over-shampoo, as cleansing every day strips hair’s natural oils that protect and nourish long lengths.