Five Office Interior Design Ideas for Small Office Spaces

Planning the interior design of small spaces could be a huge challenge. The major reason would be your choice of furniture and décor. It would be worth mentioning here that you should be prudent with your choice of furniture and décor lest you wish to crowd your office space. A crowded space and incorrect choices would make your office space appear cluttered. Rest assured that a cluttered space would not be a pleasant sight. Clearing the clutter could make your small office space remain functional while appearing significantly calmer and bigger.

A suitable commercial interior design option would reduce your tension along with eliminating the clutter. Find below five interior design ideas to meet your specific small office space requirements.

  1. Contemporary office design layout

For people having space constraints in the office, rest assured that a rectangular office layout would be a perfect option. You could make the most of the corner of the floor for creating a stylish small office setup. Consider pushing the furniture to the corner for maximising the available space. Consider opting for an island table along with sleek rotating chairs. Hide the ugly wirings and add an inspiring painting for your work time.

  1. Shared desks for small office set up

For companies having small teams, consider using shared desks for small office setup. It would assist you in achieving two major purposes.

  • Effective utilisation of space
  • Personal interaction with colleagues

When you remove cubicles that make the space appear small and replace them with divider desks, you could ensure that people would work together without invading each other’s privacy. Consider placing a small coffee table along with a lounge sofa to make an informal seating arrangement.

  1. Co-Working office design

Those not a huge fan of formal settings should opt for co-working office design. It has been deemed the top office design, which is perfect for small teams in the designing profession, where you have to interact with people regularly.

  1. Creative office design ideas

Consider breaking the monotony of using a traditional office setup by letting your creativity soar high. You could make the most of cool office designs using bright colors to start a great day at work every day. Consider using small chairs and desks to save space. It would be in your best interest to choose carpet flooring bringing out the personalised appearance.

  1. Black and white design

Consider using a black and white office design with a touch of pink. It would make an impressive office setup for small spaces. You would admire the beauty of the room every time you visit. Every element would remind you of being in a fantasy world. Rest assured that such a combination would leave you spellbound.

Some more small office layout ideas

Regardless of whether it is a commercial space or your home, these small office layouts and décor ideas by the Best Commercial Interior Designers in Singapore would simplify your job.

  1. Consider removing bulky pieces and replacing them with edgy and sleek furniture adding style and functionality.
  2. Consider rearranging the furniture by pushing them towards the wall. Leave the center space to move around with ease. By keeping the seating opposition opposite to the entrance door, you would have a great view.
  3. Consider setting up the office next to an open space such as a balcony or a window to receive adequate natural light and air.
  4. Consider creating flexible workspaces rather than reserving desks for people. It would help you reduce the underutilisation of desks.
  5. Consider decorating the offices with some accent furniture, artworks, and bold colors to bring the personality of your brand.

You might consider installing a light fixture along with an electrical outlet. Consider filing any cracks that you might come across and repair all faulty and broken hinges. Consider painting the wall or using wallpaper inside the cupboard. You could also install a few shelves and arrange your office stationery and equipment in the space.